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Replies to What OBM Needs is More Jewish Mothers

  • Dick,

    I ran across your web site today and was disappointed to find that you'd developed two PowerPoint presentations on Jewish mothers without asking me about them. I know you have the behaviorism end of the topic covered very well, but I grew up with the real proverbial Jewish mother. Therefore, I have much first-hand experience with the topic. Although I intended to run away from that level of supervision, I managed to marry a nice Irish-Catholic girl who also turned out to be a Jewish mother. Go figure!

    In all seriousness, I enjoyed the web site and especially the photos, including the ones from Jack Michael’s retirement party (here and here). I think that was the last time you and I saw each other, although I see Jack quite regularly. At any rate, I hope all is well with you.

    Seeing the "Behavior Babes" reminded me of at a party at the Snapper's about 23 years ago. That evening, shortly after our son, Josh, was born, you gave him a stuffed animal (a duck as I recall) and held and played with him. Josh is now finishing his last quarter of college and will be moving to Chicago in December to work on the Chicago Board of Trade. He did not take after his father (or mother) and instead became a finance and economics major. At least he's happy with his chosen field.

    I've retired from Palisades and am splitting my time between developing training material for a consulting company and working as a school psychologist two-days a week at the Bangor High School. (I was a school psychologist before moving to Kalamazoo 25 years ago!)

    Ellen is still working for the Van Buren ISD splitting her time between being an OT and an autism consultant.

    Keep up the good (behavioral) work and hope to catch up with you soon. Write back if you have the time.

    Henry Winter



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