

About Dick



Computer-Based Programmed Instruction

Some behavior-analysis concepts are really difficult and lend themselves to programmed instruction. So we've developed the following supplemental programs:

Work Show Corresponding Chapter
1. Pink sheet part 1 1. Chapter 1
2. Pink sheet part 2 2. Chapter 1
3. Sick Social Cycle (Vicitm's Escape Model) 3. Chapter 3
4. Sick Social Cycle (Victim's Punishment Model) 4. Chapter 4
5. Shaping 5. Chapter 8
6. Stimulus Generalization Gradient 6. Chapter 13
7. Stimulus Equivalence 7. Chapter 13
8. Discrete-Trial Procedures vs. Free-Operant Procedures 8. Chapter 17

Incidentally, the authoring tool we use is the humble MS PowerPoint; and it works real well. These programs were originally developed by Jason Otto, along with several other grad and undergrad students in conjunction with his dissertation. And now, still other students are working on their continuous quality improvement.

To receive a free copy of these work shows, please email