

About Dick



Notes from The Kalamazoo Center for Children with Autism and Other Special Needs: Update 2

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The Kalamazoo Autism Center is still moving nicely from one man’s fantasy to many people’s reality, as the practicum students, Dana, and I have all gotten our clearance from Michigan’s Department of Human Services to work with children, and we are now scheduling the practicum students with the children who will be at the Child Development Center on Cork St. We will also begin scheduling practicum students to work with the children at the ROI afterschool program at Croyden and also attempt to schedule students to work in the homes of those who have requested that service.

Our undergrad and graduate practicum students turn out to be enthusiastic to work with the children in these settings, even when it means leaving the hallowed ground surrounding WMU and traveling to the east side. And we now have almost enough practicum students, though getting coverage across the day will be tricky, not, however, because the students are reluctant to go cross town for a 7:30 AM shift (students aren’t nearly as lazy as they were back in my day).

Feel free to give us a call or an email, if you have any questions, suggestions, or updates on your needs.


Dick Malott, Director (269) 372-1268
Dana Pellegrino, Graduate Assistant (,

October 5, 2008






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