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Notes from The Kalamazoo Center for Children with Autism and Other Special Needs: Update 3

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The Kalamazoo Autism Center opened October 27, 2008 with two delightful children, two sets of delightful parents, one delightful nanny, ahhh, thirteen delightful WMU behavior analysis students, and one delighted director, me. The two children are on the autism spectrum, one is two and a half and the other almost four. One is full time, five days a week and the other half time, two days a week. We’re all having fun and learning a lot.

We’re starting with the basics--look at me, come here and get a hug, matching objects, and manipulative imitation. We’re also reinforcing (rewarding) all appropriate vocalizations and any words, with the first goal of teaching vocal and verbal mands (requests). In other words, we’re using the standard, proven applied-behavior-analysis approach, spiced with the verbal behavior approach (language-training).

The 13 WMU students are spread across the 5 days (42 hours) our center is open, allowing us to do the optimal one-on-one teaching the research literature generally recommends. And as the nanny learns our teaching techniques, we’re even doing the super-optimal two-on-one teaching techniques we’ve been developing at the Croyden Avenue School. I’m very proud of the excellent, professional way the WMU undergrad and grad students work with the children, reflecting the excellent training they’re getting in their Croyden autism practica and their WMU on-campus, behavior-analysis courses.
And finally, the Child Development Center on Cork St. is providing us with excellent space and facilities. And their staff are helpful, friendly, and tolerant.

Oh, yes, and tonight at 6 PM, I’ll be giving a little talk about our center to Parent to Parent of Southwest Michigan and I’m sure they’d love for you to attend. It’s at the First Presbyterian Church, 321 W. South Street, Downtown Kalamazoo. (Park in the rear parking lot (off Lovell).  Enter at the back red door – you may need to ring doorbell and speak into speaker.  Take the elevator to the upper level (UL). Turn left as you depart the elevator.  Childcare is at the end of the hall on the left.  Turn right and find the parent meeting.  Signs will help direct you.)

Give us a call or an email, if you have any questions, suggestions, or updates on your needs.


Richard W. Malott, PhD, BCBA
(269) 372-1268

Dana Pellegrino, BA
Graduate Assistant

November 6, 2008






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